


“The most successful of all the screen processes was the one initiated by Louis Dufay. Today the product is known as Dufaycolor, but it was first introduced about 1910 as the Dioptichrome plate. The first Dufay patents were assigned to an organization carrying the quaint name “A Company for the Exploitation of the Process in Color Photography of L. Dufay.” This became the Versicolor organization. Some time later Spicers Limited became interested and such companies as Spicer-Dufay, Ltd., Dufaycolor, Ltd., and Dufay-Chromex, Ltd., were formed to exploit the disclosures. Finally the Ilford company became interested. In the United States there was but one organization, Dufaycolor, which marketed the product.”

(Friedman, Joseph Solomon (1945): History of Color Photography. Boston: The American Photographic Publishing Company, p. 166.)

Secondary Sources

Friedman, Joseph Solomon (1945): History of Color Photography. Boston: The American Photographic Publishing Company, p. 166. View Quote