


“Camera.—An interesting camera has been made by the Société Chromofilm, Paris. An astonishing mechanism moves the entire gate, and film within it, at each exposure, with reference to the normal fixed objective. Three miniature negatives are exposed, by the successive movements of the gate, within the space of a normal frame. Actually there are 96 movements of the gate per second, but the pictures are exposed at the rate of 72 per second.

Projection.—The positive is projected with a triple divided sawn-off lens with suitable registering adjustment. Save for slight time-parallax fringes (especially in close-ups), owing to the non-simultaneity of the negative records, the results are admirable, apart from the question of practicability of additive processes of projection (E.P. 447,225).”


(Klein, Adrian Bernhard = Cornwell-Clyne (1940): Colour Cinematography. Boston: American Photographic Pub. Co.. 2nd revised edition, p. 160.)

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Secondary Sources

Klein, Adrian Bernhard = Cornwell-Clyne (1940): Colour Cinematography. Boston: American Photographic Pub. Co.. 2nd revised edition, p. 160. View Quote